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Референции: 1. Perez-Muñoz ME, Arrieta MC, Ramer-Tait AE, Walter J. A critical assessment of the “sterile womb” and “in utero colonization” hypotheses: implications for research on the pioneer infant microbiome. Microbiome. 2017;5(1):48. 2. Kumar H, Collado MC, Wopereis H, Salminen S, Knol J, Roeselers G. The Bifidogenic Effect Revisited-Ecology and Health Perspectives of Bifidobacterial Colonization in Early Life. Microorganisms. 2020 Nov 25;8(12):1855. 3. Gopalakrishna KP, Hand TW. Influence of Maternal Milk on the Neonatal Intestinal Microbiome. Nutrients. 2020;12(3):823. 4. Dominguez-Bello MG, Godoy-Vitorino F, Knight R, Blaser MJ. Role of the microbiome in human development. Gut. 2019;68(6):1108-1114. 5. Rinninella E, Raoul P, Cintoni M, Franceschi F, Miggiano GAD, Gasbarrini A, Mele MC. What is the Healthy Gut Microbiota Composition? A Changing Ecosystem across Age, Environment, Diet, and Diseases. Microorganisms. 2019;7(1):14. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms7010014. 6. Salazar N, Valdés-Varela L, González S, Gueimonde M, de Los Reyes-Gavilán CG. Nutrition and the gut microbiome in the elderly. Gut Microbes. 2017;8(2):82-97. doi: 10.1080/19 490976.2016.1256525.. 7. DeJong EN, Surette MG, Bowdish DME. The Gut microbiota and unhealthy aging: disentangling cause from consequence. Cell Host Microbe. 2020;28 (2):180–189.

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